stock orange front
front view
under the hood
side view
rear view
no engine will be installed at The Thing Shop
seats will be installed at The Thing Shop
Body Installed
installing the body
installing the body
ready for the frame
ready for the frame
just out of the paint booth
ready for the engine
just out of the booth
just out of the booth
doors just painted
body parts painted
in the booth ready for paint
ready for paint
time for paint
transmission installed
rear view
ready for paint
doors ready
frame just painted
front end on
front axle installed
transmission installed
frame ready
frame ready
frame ready
front end parts
frame back from paint
frame sandblasted
frame sandblasted
half pan welded in
half pan welded in
frame sandblasted
in primer
front primed
front primed
rear primed
getting the frame ready
ready to be sandblasted
front end stripped
body stripped
body stripped
boddy stripped
Just another restoration by the Domeck Brothers